Alan and Sherry Leventhal Center Awarded

Boston University’s Alan and Sherry Leventhal Center has received the Preservation Achievement Award by the Boston Preservation Alliance. Atelier Ten guided the design of the historic Hillel House located in the Back Bay West/Bay State Road architectural conservation district in downtown Boston. Expanding upon Atelier Ten’s experience with the adaptive reuse of existing buildings, we worked closely with design architect Goody Clancy to develop the best strategies to convert a dilapidated and mold-ridden building into an inviting welcome center for future Boston University students and their families.

Atelier Ten played a critical role in studying the façade to optimize thermal and visual comfort for the new occupants and thousands of visitors expected to enter the building each year. Our early studies introduced options to reduce the existing thermal bridge condition while increasing the insulated value of the walls. Further analysis tested options that would enhance the performance of the north stairwell, a major addition to the building, yet maintain a good balance of daylight into third floor offices and theater. This helped guide our integrated daylight-responsive lighting design techniques to enhance visual quality while reducing lighting power density by about 30%. We ultimately proved the case to introduce variable refrigerant flow systems into the building, the second installation on campus, as well as enthalpy heat recovery and demand control ventilation. These combined strategies enabled us to exceed Boston University’s LEED goal of Silver to achieve Gold certification. Atelier Ten provided environmental design consulting, energy analysis, lighting design and LEED program administration.

Atelier Ten’s team from the New Haven office includes Director Mark Loeffler, Associate Directors Larry Jones and Chad Groshart and Environmental Designer, Lynne Panagotopulos and Lighting Designer, Gus Sanchez.
