Atelier Ten Acoustics launch industry-first white paper on Sustainable Building Acoustics design

Atelier Ten’s Acoustic Team lead and Director of Specialist Services, Ben Burgess, is the principal author of an industry-first guidance document advising engineering, consultants and manufacturers involved in the specification of acoustic performance in buildings on how to minimise the environmental impacts of their designs.

Responding to the needs of an industry populated by keen and able engineers, with little practical guidance to follow, the document has been published through the Institute of Acoustics. Ben sits on the Institute’s Building Acoustics Council, and wrote the guide with the support of the Council, and in collaboration with a number of sustainability consultants.

The paper provides a number of simple, actionable strategies which engineers and consultants can adopt, which require little detailed technical knowledge. When applied, they can have a positive impact on their client’s projects from a cost and program perspective, as well as reducing carbon and being more planet-friendly.

“I genuinely think we can each make a difference” said Ben… “whether that’s through unlocking aspirations that our engineering collaborators have around low-carbon design, or just simply adopting some common-sense approaches to reducing the quantum of materials we use – we all have a part to play”.
