Atelier Ten joins winning team Pickard Chilton for the NAIOP Office Building of the Future design competition
Atelier Ten is honored to have joined the design team by Pickard Chilton to become one of the four winners for The Office Building of the Future design competition by the National Association Of Industrial And Office Properties (NAIOP).
This inaugural competition of the NAIOP invited design firms across the country to submit concepts of how an office may look and function in the year 2020. It encouraged participating firms to visualize innovative designs of the future, detailing a concept plan for utilization trends, sustainability and new building technologies.
Pickard Chilton’s approach identifies three distinct principles – Human qualities, Business objectives, and Sustainability. With these principles in mind, Atelier Ten engaged with the team to analyze energy savings and net-zero site energy potential, renewable strategies, water conservation and reuse measures, and passive design opportunities for the Seattle workplace. In collaboration with the team, Atelier Ten helped define a high-performance building envelope, shape comfortable outdoor live and work environments, and determine a modular structural system for increased adaptability and longevity.
Atelier Ten’s team, from the New York office, includes Director Paul Stoller, Associate Director Shanta Tucker, and Environmental Designer Jessica Zofchak.
Pickard Chilton’s published book on its competition entry is now available – The Office Building of the Future by Pickard Chilton.