Mark Loeffler judges the CTGBC 2014 Annual Green Building Awards

For the seventh year in row, New Haven Director Mark Loeffler is a judge for the Connecticut Green Building Council Green Building Awards. This program recognizes achievement in sustainable design for residential, commercial, and institutional projects in the state, along with leadership in green building advocacy. Environmental designer and CTGBC chair, Lynne Panagotopulos, is facilitating the judging process for the third time.

One Green Advocate award will be given to a recipient who is an environmental steward showing excellence in promoting sustainability through education, example, outreach, and leadership. One Alexion Pharmaceutical Award of Excellence will be given in all categories based on the jury’s overall impressions for the most innovative, sustainable project. One Award of Honor may be given in each category, for outstanding sustainable achievements in that category.  Awards of Merit may be given in each category for recognition of special, noteworthy accomplishments.  The awards ceremony will be held on September 18, 2014 at Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk, CT.


