Find Your Path to a Climate Positive Landscape
Introducing Pathfinder
Atelier Ten is proud to announce the launch of a new tool developed in collaboration with CMG Landscape Architecture: Pathfinder. It is a free, interactive web-based application for landscape architects to use to create climate positive designs and gain valuable design recommendations. Pathfinder is part of CMG’s Climate Positive Design Challenge, a call to action to reduce carbon footprints and increase carbon sequestration on landscape design projects. Atelier Ten’s Kristen DiStefano and Prateek Jain partnered with CMG to research sequestration and create the calculation engine behind the application.
Pathfinder can be used for landscape projects in the design phase or completed projects. Registered users can estimate the carbon footprint of their landscape projects and estimated the carbon sequestration potential of the project’s landscape elements over time. Basic analysis starts by inputting project type, site boundaries and percentage of impervious and pervious surfaces. Users can get a more thorough analysis and a scorecard by entering information on materials and site features. The scorecard includes estimated years to carbon neutrality, amount of carbon sequestered, and an embodied carbon profile. Pathfinder provides a great design toolkit to help designers reduce the carbon footprint.