211-227 Hackney Road
with Hawkins\Brown Architects
This landmark building in the Hackney Road conservation area is a mixed use building integrating commercial and residential uses, cycle parking and improvements to the public realm. At 10 storeys, retail and workspaces facing the street are complemented with residential accommodation wrapped around a first-floor courtyard. The ground floor offers workspace for a range of start-ups operating in a single shared space with a reception, meeting rooms, coffee bar and exhibition/training spaces. The development is ‘car free’ but with extensive cycle parking and plant space refuse storage at basement level.
A range of passive design measures have been adopted, such as efficient built form, high levels of insulation, airtightness, reduced thermal bridging and solar control optimization for overheating. In particular, the proposed U-values, air permeability and thermal bridging exceed the Building Regulations Part L 2013 standards.
Active energy efficient systems have also been integrated, which include mixed mode ventilation (including heat recovery) and underfloor heating in the apartments, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery in the commercial areas, fan coil units (FCUs) in the residential and commercial areas, highly efficient heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) systems, energy efficient internal and external lighting, lifts and appliances and energy sub-metering.
As the result of an initial feasibility study for low and zero carbon (LZC) technologies, a central heating plant, including a combined heat and power (CHP) system, serving all apartments, and photovoltaic (PV) panels on the roof over Scawfell Street were proposed as the most appropriate solution.
Sustainability lay at the core of the project, by adopting an integrated sustainable approach across design, construction and operation.