62 Buckingham Gate
with Cushman & Wakefield
Phased CAT B refurbishment of the 1st floor office plate of 62 Buckingham Gate, London, W2.
The refurbishment of the associated core circulation, lift lobbies, stairs and toilets are not included under this contract.
The primary heating on floor system will be low temperature hot water (LTHW) heating system. Valved and capped branches is provided at each floor as part of the Shell & Core works. A plate heat exchanger will be provided at each branch connection to separate the fit out from the shell and core systems. Pipework will be extended to serve the LTHW fan coil units. The primary fresh air is tempered via the heat recovery system and LTHW system.
The building is provided with a independent primary chilled water system. The refrigeration plant consists of multiple water cooled chillers, associated pumps and cooling towers. Chilled water will be circulated to each floor via two separate risers.
A tenant’s critical cooling system is provided consisting of two air cooled chillers with a total capacity of 1,265kW. This is utilised to serve the data rooms and SER rooms. The risers will be sized for full capacity to enable the load to be located in any location.
Two 33kV HV supplies are provided for the building, each rated at 10MVA to provide 100% back-up capabilities in the event of a primary circuit or transformer failure. High voltage and switchgear and sub-stations are separated into two physically remote electrical plantrooms with each supplying both dual busbar risers seixed to be able to support the whole floor.
Each busbar riser is capable of 3 No. tap-off’s at each floor, each with sub-metering connected to the landlord central metering system. The base build installation consists of 2 No. 36 way distribution boards connected to an individual tap-off with a spare tap-off also available. One base build distribution board is intended for small power circuits with another for lighting circuits to comply with CIBSE TM 39. Each busbar and set of distribution boards are located in a riser on opposite sides of the main core.
In addition to an electrical riser, a combined fire and security riser and a communications riser closets are also located on opposite sides if the main core.
The incoming communications cabling for the main communication room originates from the communications riser closet on its respective floor.