Aurora, 120 Bothwell Street

with TP Bennett

Atelier Ten have completed the design of the building services and environmental engineering for the refurbishment of 120 Bothwell Street, in Glasgow.

The building consists of existing office space from ground floor to level 9 with 2 lower basement floors. The intervention includes the refurbishment of the existing office floor plates, restyling the entrance space to provide a vibrant welcoming introduction to the building and converting one of the lower floors from car parking space to new accommodation with a gym, cycle storage and a new washroom facility to promote a healthier lifestyle for the building occupiers.

The building targets BREEAM Excellent for a Non-Domestic Refurbishment & Fit Out Scheme. The energy performance of the existing building was improved through passive and active measures. The energy solution for the building is all electric and uses air source heat pumps which provide simultaneous heating and cooling. This offers a variety of benefits including zero on-site emissions.

The building also includes a number of sustainability-focused features including efficient LED lighting with the occupier’s Circadian rhythm being a key focus to promote user wellbeing.