Princeton University Yeh Residential College and New College West
with TenBerke
Designed to promote a sustainable college life for students, the residences and site are deeply connected to nature. Atelier Ten embedded solar passive design elements into the buildings’ orientations and massing to further connect students to the landscape and drive energy efficiency.
Atelier Ten tuned the façade to respond to daylight availability, manage solar gains, and maximize views. The south facing glazing has exterior shading and is set back for solar control while the north-facing glazing is flush with the façade to bring in soft north light. Operable windows in the residential spaces provide students with fresh air and views to the surrounding landscape. Over 95% of regularly occupied spaces meet the LEED quality views criteria.
In addition to an efficient envelope, the HVAC systems take an innovative approach to energy efficiency. The low-temperature heating hot system is served from waste heat rejected by other campus buildings and the domestic hot water is pre-heated using waste heat from kitchen refrigeration. The building uses 27% less energy annually compared to a baseline building.
Rainwater management is integrated on the site with bioretention basins that filter stormwater and support infiltration. These are designed in response to the microclimate and biome on each side of the buildings. Additionally, the building uses non-potable water for toilet flushing. Sited next to the campus central cooling plant, the building wash closets use cooling tower blow down for flushing. Combined with low-flow fixtures, the project achieves a 57% reduction in annual indoor water use.